of the Laboratory of Optics and Spectroscopy

  1. U.K. Makhmanov, A.M. Kokhkharov, S.A. Bakhramov, S.A. Esanov, D. Erts. Self-assembly of C60 fullerene molecules in the hexane–xylene solvent system // Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2022, Vol. 30, No. 1, pages 80-84. 
  2. U.K. Makhmanov, A.M. Kokhkharov, S.A. Bakhramov, S.A. Esanov. Synthesis of fullerene C60 nanotubes in the volume of an evaporating drop of colloidal solution // Romanian Journal of Physics, 2022, Vol. 67, No. 1-2, pp. 601 (1-9).
  3. Makhmanov U.K. Refractive and Electrophysical Properties of Dispersed Solutions of Fullerene C60 in Binary Solvents // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics (J Eng Phys Thermophy), 2022, Vol. 95, No. 2, pp. 527-532.
  4. У.К. Махманов, А.М. Коххаров, Ш.А. Эсанов, Б.А. Аслонов, З. Бекмуродов, К.Н. Мусурмонов, У.В. Турдалиев. Формирование нанокластеров фуллерена С60 в N-метил-2-пирролидоне и на поверхности подложки // Научный вестник НамГУ, 2022, No.8, CC. 37–45.
  5.  U.K. Makhmanov, A.M. Kokhkharov, S.A. Bakhramov, Sh.A. Esanov, B.A. Aslonov, Z. Bekmurodov, K.N. Musurmonov, U.V. Turdaliev. Investigation of C60/NMP and C60/NMP/xylene solutions by absorption spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering // Узбекский физический журнал, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 171-175, 2022.
  6. D. Bozorova, O. Ismailova, Study of raman spectra dimethylformamide and ethanol solutions. O‘Z.MU.Xabarlari, 475- 477 pp, [3/2], 2022.
  7. D.T. Bozorova, S.P. Gofurov, A.M. Kokhkharov, M.A. Ziyayev, F.T. Umarova and O.B. Ismailova. Thе Excess Refractive Indices of Some Organic and Inorganic Components. 108-119 (12), 2022. Advanced Materials and Nano Systems: Theory and Experiment (Part-1) е-book. DOI: 10.2174/97898150507451220101
  8. U. Makhmanov, A. Kokhkharov, Sh. Esanov, U. Turdaliev.Behavior of fullerene C60 molecules in a solvent system // 65nd International Conference “Open Readings 2019”, March 15-18, 2022, Lithuania, Vilnius, University of Vilnius. P. 245
  9. U.K. Makhmanov, A.M. Kokhkharov, S.A. Bakhramov, D. Erts. Formation of C60 nanoaggregate structures in solution and in the volume of evaporating drop of colloidal solution // Lithuanian Journal of Physics, Volume 60, No. 3, 2020, PP. 194–204.
  10. S.A. Bakhramov, U.K. Makhmanov, A.M. Kokhkharov. Synthesis of Nanoscale Fullerene C60 Filaments in the Volume of an Evaporating Drop of a Molecular Solution and Preparation of Thin Nanostructured Coatings on Their Basis. Applied Solar Energy, Volume 55, PP.309–314 (2020).
  11. U.K. Makhmanov, A.M. Kokhkharov, S.A. Bakhramov. Organic fractal nano-dimensional structures based on fullerene C60 // Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 2019, Vol. 27, No.3, pp. 273-278.
  12. Sh.P. Gofurov, U.K. Makhmanov, A.M. Kokhkharov, O.B. Ismailova. Structural and optical characteristics of aqueous solutions of acetic acid // Applied Spectroscopy. 2019, Vol.73, No. 5, pp.503-510.